Safeguarding training day for Buddhist organisations
organised by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK
To be held at
Birmingham Buddhist Centre
11 Park Road
Birmingham, B13 8AB
Safeguarding adults: Saturday 23rd February, 13.30-17.00
An event for Buddhist trustees, administrators, leaders, teachers and Safeguarding officers
Has your Buddhist organisation had Safeguarding training this year?
The Charity Commission and many insurers require this.
Trustees of all UK Buddhist organisations of any kind are legally responsible for Safeguarding children and adults from harm, and are expected to provide regular training.
A suggested donation of £50 per person is requested for each event, payable by cash or cheque at venue.
For NBO member organisations, a donation of £35 per person is requested for each event, payable by cash or cheque at venue.
NB If you book but do not attend for any reason, we may contact you to request a donation anyway, to ensure that the NBO does not make a loss.
(Wondering whether your organisation is an NBO member?)
The venue will open for registration, BYO lunch and mingling from 12.00.
Would you know what to do if a sangha member was being taken advantage of or alleged harm by one of your teachers?
These events will be led by a trainer from Thirtyone:eight (previously CCPAS), who specialise in Safeguarding advice and training for faith organisations. She will help you understand more about Safeguarding, how to recognise those at risk and what to do if problems occur, as well as developing policies.