
Buddhism in Religious Education, nationally
The NBO's Education Officer, Jo Backus, is a member of the RE Council for England and Wales (REC) and has contributed to its leading work since 2016.

This engagement has largely been concerned with the interface between Buddhism and Religious Education (RE) in schools and colleges, which involves us in important conversations and decisions about how Buddhism and Buddhists might be understood and represented in the curriculum. Read more about the REC's work:

Jo contributed to the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE), the role of which was to review the nature and status of RE, and to provide a new vision for the subject as defined in the Commission's report published in 2018. CoRE produced its Final Report in September 2018 with a separately available Executive Summary. Of its 11 recommendations, one argued for a new approach to RE based on the notion of worldviews. Another argued for a National Statement of Entitlement in RE for all pupils in state-maintained schools that ensured all experienced a basic education on the relationship between religion and worldviews. Read more:


More recently, Jo has participated in the continued work of the REC in delivering the aspiration, goals and outcomes recommended by the Commission's report on a ‘Religions and World views approach’, to RE, attending twice yearly meetings and participating in various on-line meetings intended to report back on progress and development of resources. Read more:


Buddhism in Religious Education, regionally and locally
Jo’s personal attendance as a Buddhist representative at various educational conferences and personal membership of SACRES (Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education) provides opportunity to explore Buddhism and RE in local and regional contexts. For example:

The subject of the regional Bristol and South West Gloucestershire Annual Conference was RE to save the planet (January 2020). The conference provided opportunity to explore exciting and relevant approaches to the environment and the climate change crisis-drawing upon the teachings of various faiths and secular beliefs. A Buddhist approach was presented for teaching Key Stage 4 pupils in collaboration between Bristol Buddhist Centre and a local school.

Additionally: We receive requests for information about festivals, celebrations such as marriage rites or how Buddhist funerals might be conducted; the question of how Buddhist teaching and practice are relevant to social issues for example, climate change, has become of significant interest. Requests may be responded to by our Education officer, or by others with specific expertise in these areas, including chaplaincy and interfaith.
