The British government is now conducting a public consultation on the issue of caste in the light of the UK Equality Act 2010. This is relevant to several UK Buddhist communities of Asian heritage. A key aim of the consultation will be to obtain the views of the public on whether additional measures are needed to ensure victims …. Read More >
June is Buddhist Action Month 2017!
It’s just a few weeks until the start of Buddhist Action Month 2017: BAM! The NBO’s BAM Co-ordinator, Christine Thuring writes: “For a small UK-based project initiated in 2012 by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK, BAM’s growth and expansion to other parts of the world has been phenomenal. We can consider it a new annual contemporary …. Read More >
Conference: Buddhist practice and liturgy in the UK: challenges and opportunities
All are welcome to this conference/workshop run by the UK Association for Buddhist Studies, to bring scholars and practitioners of different traditions together in exploring themes of shared interest. Saturday 20th May 2017 10am-5pm Manchester Centre for Buddhist Meditation 19-21 High Lane, Chorlton Manchester, M21 9DJ See here for a map: Programme 10.00 Registration 10.15 …. Read More >
New Chair for the NBO
Last month saw Val Stephenson retire as Chair of the NBO, to be replaced by Juliet Hackney (to right of picture). Val, a member of Soka Gakkai-UK writes, “I have thoroughly enjoyed being Chair of the NBO for the last couple of years. Chairing and working in the NBO is a unique opportunity. The NBO …. Read More >
Course: Starting out in Health Care Chaplaincy
Starting out in Health Care Chaplaincy A course designed to introduce prospective chaplains to the world of Health Care and ChaplaincyInter-faith training days in Birmingham Thursday 2nd February & Monday 3rd April 2017| Buddhist support day in Birmingham Friday 24th March 2017 Inter-faith training days in Manchester Thursday 4th May & Monday 3rd July 2017 …. Read More >
Report from NBO gathering: "Buddhism in Action"
NBO Gathering “Buddhism in Action: What are we doing?” 5th November 2016 SGI-UK South London Centre, Brixton What are we doing within ourselves? What are we doing in our communities? How are we taking action in the world? After the hugely successful European Buddhist Union weekend conference, “Buddhism in Action” in Berlin in April …. Read More >
Buddhist healthcare chaplaincy: introductory courses 2017
Here are the 2017 dates for the Healthcare Chaplaincy Faith and Belief Group’s courses on ‘Starting out in Healthcare Chaplaincy’ in Manchester and Birmingham, open to those of any faith or belief group. To take part you need to be “in good standing with your faith community”; ie have a regular and committed Buddhist (or other faith) practice …. Read More >
Jai Bhim! Buddhists mark 60 years since Dr Ambedkar's conversion
On this day 60 years ago – 14th October 1957 – the Indian social reformer Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar converted to Buddhism. The ceremony, in Nagpur, central India, was attended by hundreds of thousands of his fellow people, women, men and children at the bottom of India’s caste system. In their turn they too converted …. Read More >
NBO gathering and AGM 5th November 2016
You are warmly invited to the next NBO gathering: “Buddhism in action: what are we doing? Buddhists from a variety of UK traditions will meet to explore the social role of Buddhism in the UK. Why is it important for Buddhists to come together? How important is friendship? How can Buddhists act together for the …. Read More >
First Buddhist nunnery in UK?
Read about the Anukampa Bhikkuni Project, aspiring to bring into being a nunnery for fully ordained Theravadin bhikkunis in the UK. Follow the Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project on Facebook.