It’s just a few weeks until the start of Buddhist Action Month 2017: BAM!
The NBO’s BAM Co-ordinator, Christine Thuring writes:
“For a small UK-based project initiated in 2012 by the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK, BAM’s growth and expansion to other parts of the world has been phenomenal. We can consider it a new annual contemporary Buddhist festival of social change, initiating and supporting meaningful progress for individuals and society.
The theme of BAM 2017 is Connecting for Change, which we hope will catalyse creativity and inspiration to reach out to neighbours and local communities, and to dispel the “-isms” that fracture the truth of interconnectedness. This theme encourages us all to find ways to extend our hearts beyond prejudice and fear. There are so many ways we can improve the lives of others – human and non-human alike – with actions based in lovingkindness.
If you’re on Facebook please JOIN and FOLLOW the BAM! Buddhist Action Month 2017 group. This is the hub of the action, so please share your events here, and any resources that nurture our inspiration of connecting for change or act on the key ethical issues of our times. Events and ideas are already rolling in, and it is exciting to witness the various creative forms of skilful means that encourage and support us in trying new things, explicitly for the benefit of all beings.
The Buddhist Action Month Handbook
There loads of ideas for activities here in our BAM 2017 Handbook (adapted from the handbook developed by Mokshini for the Triratna Buddhist community). Often simple actions are best, and take little preparation and fit into your usual programme.
Feel free to share this resource with others, whether as printed copies at your centre or forwarded as PDF or a link on your website or Facebook page. And please get in touch with your own ideas! The easiest thing is to post them on the BAM Facebook page.
Please take our 5-minute survey
We do realise that not everyone uses Facebook, and that connectivity could be better and/ or easier. Help us improve the breadth and accessibility of Buddhist Action Month in future. Please take this survey.
On behalf of the Network of Buddhist Organisations, the BAM committee, and everyone Connecting for Change, many thanks – and have fun!”