Eco Dharma Network

What is a Buddhist approach to the climate emergency and what can we as Buddhist communities do about it?

Eco Dharma Network was created in 2019 in response to the climate emergency.  We are a network of Buddhist communities offering a platform to strengthen our capacity to take climate action and to coordinate wide-ranging initiatives. Supported by UK Faith for the Climate and Religions for Peace the network is building on existing projects such as NBO’s Buddhist Action Month 2019 & 2020, focused on climate action, DANCE’s ongoing actions in Barclays Bank branches and XR Buddhists’ initiatives as part of Extinction Rebellion.

Our approach is collaborative and participatory, with the aim of being a long-term sustainable network equipping and supporting UK Buddhists of all kinds in climate action.

We created a simple Buddhist toolkit and poster with suggestions to inspire Buddhist climate action, both individual and collective, and held a climate action workshop day in London on 1 February 2020.

We support training days in communities around the country with resources and suggestions for speakers.

For more information please contact

Click here for Ecodharma resources including recordings of past events.


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