Buddhist chaplaincy training in London
An opportunity to find out about chaplaincy in a range of situations, this London-based course runs over seven Sundays, starting in April.
An opportunity to find out about chaplaincy in a range of situations, this London-based course runs over seven Sundays, starting in April.
Many followers of the NBO Facebook page were inspired by a video about a Buddhist healthcare chaplain in a hospital in Manchester, UK, earlier this year. Here’s an opportunity to find out more about this work. The Healthcare Chaplaincy Faith and Belief Group are offering a ‘Starting out in Healthcare Chaplaincy’ course in Manchester, UK, February-April 2016. …. Read More >
The Committee on Religion and Belief in Public Life (CORAB) has published its report, after many months of consultation – to which the NBO committee contributed extensively. Read the report.
To mark the start of the COP21 climate change meeting in Paris this week, members of the committee of the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK have issued a statement, signed personally, not on behalf of the NBO membership or their individual traditions. Read the statement.
In the run-up to COP21, the international talks on climate change beginning today in Paris, a number of Buddhist leaders combined forces as the Global Buddhist Climate Change Collective. Their Buddhist Climate Change Statement to World Leaders – “The Time to Act is now” has steadily been attracting the signatures of more and more Buddhist …. Read More >
The NBO AGM 2015 will take place at Triratna’s new West London Buddhist Centre on Saturday 24th October from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Everyone is welcome to this public event so do invite your friends. After the brief formal AGM business there will be presentations about two current NBO projects and areas of work: Buddhist Action Month …. Read More >
Recently, the British Government asked the Law Commission to conduct a review of the law governing how and where people can marry in England and Wales. Yann Lovelock was interviewed on behalf of the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK. Yann writes: “I stressed that traditionally weddings have been viewed as a civil contract in Buddhism; that …. Read More >
Following this summer’s press reports of the serious environmental damage caused by a group of Buddhists releasing crabs and lobsters into the sea near Brighton, the NBO has released this advisory statement. Read the NBO’s Animal release statement.
With sadness we announce the death of Ken Jones on Sunday 2nd August. Ken was a Buddhist teacher, Haiku and Haibun poet, author of the New Social Face of Buddhism, Everyday Buddhism and many other writings. An activist throughout his life, he was the founder of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhists. As a Zen and …. Read More >
For news relevant to any UK Buddhist, follow the NBO on Facebook. A good source of selected news of interest to Buddhists of all traditions, our Facebook page reaches a wide range of Buddhists in this country and in many countries beyond. Visit the page for brief news of broadcasts, articles, jobs, training and government grants, consultations and awards, etc. Not a …. Read More >