BAM 2023

Buddhist Action Month

June 2023

What will you do for BAM 2023?

Perhaps you’ll take stock of the compassionate action that we are already doing. Perhaps you’ll ask how can we refine or supercharge those actions. Perhaps you’ll  try something new.

We can use Buddhist Action Month to examine how it is to be a human in this world. How do we cause harm? Or collude with causing harm? How do we take compassion action? Or support the compassionate action of others?

We have lots of resources collected over previous years’ Buddhist Action Months to inspire you. Or see the ideas on this page selected by Juliet Hackney for BAM last year.

We don’t have a BAM coordinator this year (let us know if you want to get involved) but we still encourage and invite you to take personal action, and to lead your communities in taking collective compassion action.


BAM is about compassion action for others, and about compassion action for ourselves.

What does genuine self compassion look like? keeping active, learning new things, giving  to others and mindful awareness. Please find attached the leaflet “Five Ways to Good  Mental Wellbeing and Buddhism” which can be freely shared.

BAM is about action: June might be a chance to kickstart a mid-year resolution! Let us  know what you’re doing…it could be small or large, increasing your personal practice  and encouraging others could be the start of a new wave of positive change rippling  out into the world.



Take simple actions for ourselves and  the planet

Nature walks with friends. Being outside in nature is calming and invigorating,  appreciating nature helps to recognise how precious it is and helps us care for it.

If you don’t know where to go, have a look online. Here are some ideas:

Tree planting.

As we come out of the third wave of the pandemic, easing of  restrictions might allow us to join in group activities again. Here are a selection of  websites where you can volunteer for tree planting. June might not be the right time of year for putting trees in the ground, but planning to get involved can happen any  time.

Looking out for others is looking out for yourself.

You may be inspired to volunteer to  connect with others and provide a valuable service, which also improves your sense of  well-being. Here are some ideas:

Buddhist chaplaincy is a way of supporting others with a spiritual care dimension

Whatever you get up to please share it with others by email or social media.
