Birmingham Buddhist Maha Vihara Inter Faith week event
Birmingham Maha Vihara are holding an open day on Monday 22nd November as part of the inter faith week. For details see the poster: BMV open day
Birmingham Maha Vihara are holding an open day on Monday 22nd November as part of the inter faith week. For details see the poster: BMV open day
I copied this from some material circulating about the Big Society. The Big Society – relevant to the Buddhist Community? The Context Since the Coalition Government came to power, David Cameron has revived his vision of the ‘Big Society’ with community groups and local organisations taking more control of their public services. It is clear …. Read More >
As you may know, the next national census is to take place at the end of March 2011. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is working with local authorities and community groups to make sure the 2011 Census accounts for population diversity: special attention is being paid to hard-to-count, under-represented groups, including: disabled and/or very elderly …. Read More >
The MOD recently invited the NBO to submit a brief guide to Buddhism to include in its booklet – A GUIDE ON RELIGION AND BELIEF IN THE MOD AND ARMED FORCES. The following text was submitted by the NBO. We await to see what is published. BUDDHISM There are about 150,000 Buddhists in the UK according to the …. Read More >
The aim of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is to stage an inspirational and memorable Games, where everyone is invited, can take part and get involved in this exciting event. Diversity was a key reason why London, one of the most multicultural cities in the world, was chosen …. Read More >
The NBO received the attached email via the Interfaith Network. This identifies two sources of funds which are available to Buddhist groups for interfaith week 21st – 27th November 2010. The first fund is open to umbrella groups such as the NBO. However, the second fund is available to a wide range of Buddhist groups. It offers up …. Read More >
IOP Seminar Series Creative Awakening Seminar One Ordinary or Extraordinary Living ? July 10th 2010 I am writing to tell you about a day seminar organised by The Institute of Oriental Philosophy – UK. This follows our very successful conference last year on Buddhism and creativity. It will be the first in a series of …. Read More >